inflatable can-0
  • + 86-189 53250120
  • Хятад улсын Шаньдун мужийн Чиндао хотын Лицан дүүргийн Жүфэнгийн замын 1801 тоот, Шинлиан Тианди, 5-р байрны 176 тоот өрөө.

Холбоотой байх

хийлдэг лааз

Inflatable cans are a new type of drink container, not to take up much space and do weigh quite a bit. The cans are robust and can carry drinks such as soda, juice, or water. Great for kids to use because they are considerably lighter in weight and easier for little hands.

    Say Goodbye to Traditional Beverage Packaging with Inflatable Cans

    Most everyday drink holders are just too large and awkward to readily carry. They easily take up bags or weigh you down. Inflatable cans are a whole different and fun set. You can inflate them for drinking and release the air after, collapsing to tuck away. That's a lot easier to haul around than your bulky drinking vessels of yesteryear. You can finally stop lugging a cooler with you to picnics at the park and wherever else your fun outings take place!

    Why choose Qingdao Aero inflatable can?

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    Холбоотой байх