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  • + 86-189 53250120
  • Хятад улсын Шаньдун мужийн Чиндао хотын Лицан дүүргийн Жүфэнгийн замын 1801 тоот, Шинлиан Тианди, 5-р байрны 176 тоот өрөө.

Холбоотой байх

event inflatable replica

You like to see a lot of large things, and have you gone into an event? If you do, then inflatable replicas are right up your alley! Giant air filled versions of people, animals and everything else. They make excellent head turners and an eye candy at any place they are displayed. All of these inflatable replicas will make a big splash at events!

Ever walked by a new store that has just opened and wondered what they sell? A giant inflatable might just be the answer to that question! A huge inflatable in front of a store is letting people know upfront what they sell. That way customers already know what they will get when walking in. Isn’t that cool? That is a quick, and fun way to get the word out about your new business!

An inflatable replica can be used as a landmark for festival-goers to find their way around.

Have you ever attended a fun moon or jatra and had no idea where to go? That can be so freaking confusing and irritating, huh? And having some inflatable replicas may be key to that! The people can look for them by having the big colorful replicas in different places of the festival. A giant inflatable Ferris wheel, for instance, can direct those who wish to ride it or locate their friends. After all, it makes the entire journey that much more fun!

Why choose Qingdao Aero event inflatable replica?

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