Outdoor Inflatable Bottle-0
  • + 86-189 53250120
  • Хятад улсын Шаньдун мужийн Чиндао хотын Лицан дүүргийн Жүфэнгийн замын 1801 тоот, Шинлиан Тианди, 5-р байрны 176 тоот өрөө.

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Гадна хийлдэг лонх

So, have you guys ever go on a fun adventure and after that thirsty (you know what I meant) to drink something? And now because of one dormant outdoor inflatable bottle, you have got all the water with yourself. Further down the line, we eventually arrive at a bottle made by some combination of individual materials that allow you to fill it with water and then inflate as if filling a balloon — only this one will reach pressures approaching those inside an airplane cabin—limited now merely (and maybe miraculously) because other aspects of its substance were omitted from their flimsy earlier form. Once you are done, all you have to do is unplug and put it away. But, it also takes up less room in your backpack and leaves space for other necessities!

Stay hydrated during outdoor adventures with this lightweight, portable bottle

– Drinking is necessary when playing outdoors or in nature — Water (people need water to work well, and so do muscles and organs) When they don't drink enough, people may feel tired or dizzy. With an inflatable bottle that can be inflated at outdoor takes away the fear of ever having less water to drink, isn't it?, wherever I need. Mini & ultra lightweight, perfect for any EDC. And theres no way it can shatter like a regular water bottles would if you had in there.

Why choose Qingdao Aero Outdoor Inflatable Bottle?

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